Video Editor & Documentary Filmmaker

La Casita Rosa is a short documentary directed by Elvin Herrera. It is based on the humanitarian efforts of Las Patronas, a group of Mexican women in Veracruz determined in feeding the countless immigrants riding on top of cargo trains heading north towards the United States.

Uncle-Grandpa Max and Aunt-Grandma Teodora both from the State of Tlaxcala, Mexico, accompanied me to Veracruz. They were a tremendous help, learning how to record sound and strike lighting equipment.

My Uncle Maximino, drove us to Veracruz. He also helped on set and Las Patronas with passing out food.

The main entrance to where Las Patronas live and work.

Bread donated from a local bakery.

Volunteers position themselves near the train tracks as the train approaches the town.

Julia sorting the donated bread into separate piles.

Doña Guadalupe has been a volunteer with Las Patronas for many years. She came up with the brilliant idea of collecting recyclable bottles from the nearby schools and then refilling them with water to hand out to the immigrants.